The Bar Bots

It’s always Happy Hour somewhere in the Metaverse.

The Bar Bots are a community of collectible, animation-ready, drinking robot toys. How cool is that?

They represent the way we believe creative work should be done, the ownership of individual components, and all that wonderful drinking that we do with friends every Happy Hour.

It’s still early.

The Bar Bots are being written with “the garage door open.” We’ll be putting great stuff right here, very soon. Subscribe, and new Happy Hours will come right to your inbox, every Thursday at 5 pm EST (USA).

Want to prototype our drink specials?

We need your unique ID to drink with us. Once we confirm your id on the bar bots contract, you are eligible to be randomly selected for drink specials. Please note, this is in development, always metaverse responsibly.

Leave Solana Address

If you would like more information about how to get a Solana address, we provided some documentation here.

Subscribe to Happy Hour

It's always Happy Hour somewhere, in the metaverse!


Building The Bar Bots. Animation Technologist. Beer Lover.
Artist, animator, maker of stuff, mostly digital. Scotch rocks guy.